Pyrenocyclus Petr., Sydowia 9(1-6): 515 (1955).
Index Fungorum number: IF 4587; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12445, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.
Saprobic on host. Sexual morph: Ascomata widely scattered, completely innate, orbicular from the base elliptical, depressed-hemispherical, rarely slightly larger, more or less truncated in the center of the apex and excavated; with a shield covered with bark or entirely innate layers of wood, halved, shielded, sub carbonaceous. Asci numerous, from the margin basal layers originating in the upper margin of the central stroma inclining, cylindrical-obclavate, broadly rounded anteriorly, more posteriorly more or less sack cloth-dilated, short stipe, coarsely tunic. Ascospores incompletely distichous, fusoid or clavate-fusoid when immature, filled with a very finely granular homogeneous structure, mid-septate, hyaline, and finally oblong-ellipsoid, both sides broadly rounded, scarcely or only slightly tapering posteriorly, middle septate, scarcely or very mildly constricted, olive-leaved, very finely striated longitudinally and parallel to it. Paraphyses fibrous, filamentous, simple or branched, later with reddish mucous membranes. Asexual morph: Unknown (adapted from Petrak 1955).
Type species: Pyrenocyclus ambiguus Petr.
Notes: Pyrenochium is characterised by depressed-hemispherical ascomata, cylindrical-obclavate, broadly rounded asci and fusoid or clavate-fusoid ascospores. Information regarding Pyrenochium is lacking. Lumbsch and Huhndorf (2010), Kirk et al. (2013), and Wijayawardene et al. (2017, 2020) listed Pyrenochium in Dothideomycetes genera incertae sedis. Fresh collections with DNA sequence data are needed to confirm the systematic position of Pyrenochium.
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