Muroia nipponica
Muroia nipponica I. Hino & Katum., J. Jap. Bot. 33: 79 (1958).
Index Fungorum number: IF 301358; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12314, Fig. 1
Description: see Hino and Katumoto (1958).
Material examined: see Hino and Katumoto (1958).
Fig. 1 Muroia nipponica (holotype, re-drawn from Fig. 1 in Hino and Katumoto 1958). a Perithecium. b Asci. c Ascospores. Scale bars: a = × 150, b = × 300, c = × 500
Importance and distribution
Muroia comprises only one species known on moribund culm of Sasa kurilensis (Poaceae) in Asia (Japan).
Hino I, Katumoto K.1958 – On Murioa, a new genus of the Lophiostomataceae. The Journal of Japanese Botany 33, 77–80.
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