Melioliphila graminicola
Melioliphila graminicola Speg., Boln Acad. nac. Cienc. Córdoba 26(2-4): 344 (1921).
≡ Calonectria graminicola F. Stevens, Bot. Gaz. 65(3): 232 (1918).
Index Fungorum number: IF 252431; Facesoffungi number: FoF 00198, Fig. 1
Description: see Boonmee et al. (2014).
Material examined: see Boonmee et al. (2014).
Fig. 1 Melioliphila graminicola (Redrawn from Spegazzini 1924 and LPS 1626, spegazzini/eng/001626a). a Substrate. b Basal mycelium. c Ascoma. d Setae. e Ascus. f Ascospores.
Importance and distribution
Melioliphila comprises eleven species known on Bambusa (Poaceae), leaves of (Euphorbiaceae), Atalantia monophylla (Rutaceae), leaves of Clidemia hirta (Melastomaceae), living leaves of (Myrtaceae), Meliola chorleyi (Meliaceae), fronds of Adiantum trapeziforme (Pteridaceae) and on leaf of Marantaceae. Melioliphila is reported from Africa (Cameroon, Uganda), Asia (Vietnam) and South America (Brazil, Paraguay). Melioliphila might comprise many more species.
Barr ME. 1980 – On the family Tubeufiaceae (Pleosporales). Mycotaxon 12, 137–167.
Rossman AY. 1979 – A preliminary account of the taxa described in Calonectria. Mycotaxon 8, 485–558.
Rossman AY. 1987 – The Tubeufiaceae and similar Loculoascomycetes. Mycological Papers 157, 1–71.
Saccardo PA. 1972 – Supplementum Universale Pars XI. Sylloge Fungorum 26, 224.
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