Manginula perseae
Manginula perseae G. Arnaud, Annals d'École National d'Agric. de Montpellier, Série 2 16(1-4): 218 (1918) [1917].
Index Fungorum number: IF 179676; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12281, Fig. 1
Description: see Arnaud (1917).
Material examined: see Arnaud (1917).
Fig. 1 Manginula perseae (holotype, re-drawn from Arnaud 1917). a Thyriothecium. b Ascospores. Scale bar: a = × 350, b = × 1000.
Importance and distribution
Manginula comprises six species known on leaves of Persea palustris (Lauraceae), leaves of Plumeria sucuuba (Apocynaceae) and leaves of Leucospermum conocarpum (Proteaceae). Manginula is reported from Australia, Europe (Netherlands), South America (Brazil) and the United States (Florida).
Arnaud G. 1917 – Sur la familles des Microthyriacees. Compte Rendu Hebdomadaire des Seanes de L’Academie dea Sciences Paris 164, 574–890.
Clements FE, Shear CL. 1931 – The genera of fungi. New York, 496.
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