Dothideomycetes » Dothideomycetes, genera incertae sedis » Lautitia

Lautitia danica

Lautitia danica (Berl.) S. Schatz, Can. J. Bot. 62(1): 31 (1984).

            Leptosphaeria danica Berl., Icon. fung. (Abellini) 1(2): 87 (1892).

 Index Fungorum number: IF 106972; Facesoffungi number: FoF 00288, Fig. 1, 2


Biotrophic in red algae. Sexual morph: See Phookamsak et al. (2014). Asexual morph: Conidiomata 150–170 µm diam., 95–110 µm high brown to dark brown or black, stromatic, pycnidial, solitary to gregarious, subepidermal, immersed to semi-immersed or erumpent, globose to subglobose, glabrous, papillate, ostiolate. Ostiole 70–95 µm single, cylindrical to circular, centrally located. Conidiomatal wall 8–11 µm composed of thick-walled, pale brown to hyaline cells of textura angularis to textura epidermoidea. Conidiophores 15–20 × 1–3 µm (x̅ = 18.0 × 2.3 µm, n = 10), formed from the innermost layers of conidiomata wall, hyaline, subcylindrical, branched, septate, smooth-walled. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, enteroblastic, with percurrent proliferation at apex, annellidic, cylindrical to ampulliform, discrete or integrated, smooth-walled. Conidia 5–8 × 3–5 µm (x̅ = 6.9 × 4.0 µm, n = 10), hyaline, cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, unicellular, smooth-walled, eguttulate.

      Material examined: Denmark, Klitmøller, on Chondrus crispus (Gigartinaceae), V. Sarauw, 1 September 1887 (C-F-70866, holotype).