Sphaerella winteriana
Sphaerella winteriana Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 1: 516 (1882).
Index Fungorum number: IF 181741; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12194
Description: see Wettstein (1912).
Material considered: see Wettstein (1912).
Importance and distribution
Didymolepta comprises three species known on dead herbaceous stems of Mimulus lewisii (Erythranthe) and Melampyri (Coleosporiaceae). Didymolepta is reported from Europe (Germany) and The United States (Utah, Wyoming).
Barr ME. 1987 – New taxa and combinations in the loculoascomycetes. Mycotaxon 29, 501–505.
Wettstein RV. 1912 – Bericht über den Alpenpflanzengarten auf der Raxalpe. Bericht des Vereins zum Schutze und zur Pflege der Alpenpflanzen 11, 26–29.
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