Bryostroma racomitrii
Bryostroma racomitrii Döbbeler [as 'rhacomitrii'], Mitt. bot. StSamml., Münch. 14: 182 (1978).
Index Fungorum number: IF 636100; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12142, Fig. 1
Description: see Greiff and Cannon (2020).
Material examined: see Greiff and Cannon (2020).
Fig. 1 Bryostroma acrocarpum (DR, holotype, re-drawn from Fig. 2 in Döbbeler and Müller 2018). a Asci with ascospores. b Ascospores. Scale bar = 30 µm.
Importance and distribution
Bryostroma species are parasitic on stem and lower parts of the leaves of their host plants, mainly acrocarpous and pleurocarpous mosses (Döbbeler 2002; Smith 2004). They attack the host causing disease and sometimes death of the plant (Döbbeler 1978). Bryostroma comprises thirteen species known on Bazzania spiralis (Lepidoziaceae), Ctenidium molluscum (Hypnaceae), Dawsonia sp. (Polytrichaceae), Grimmia sessitana var. subsulcata (Grimmiaceae), Hylocomium splendens (Hylocomiaceae), Isothecium myurum (Lembophyllaceae), Lophozia (Lophoziaceae), Musci (Muscineae), Plagiochila porelloides (Plagiochilaceae) and Polytrichum alpinum (Polytrichaceae). Bryostroma is reported from Asia (Malaysia), Europe (Austria, Sweden) and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea).
Döbbeler P, Müller F. 2018 – Bryostroma acrocarpum – a novel muscicolous ascomycete from New Caledonia. Herzogia 31,109–113.
Döbbeler P. 1978 – Moosbewohnende Ascomycetes I. Die pyrenocarpen, den Gametophyten besiedelnden Artenin (Germany). Mitteilungen aus der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 14, 1–360.
Döbbeler P. 2002 – Microniches occupied by bryophilous ascomycetes. Nova Hedwigia 75, 275–306.
Greiff GRL, Cannon PF. 2020 – Bryostroma popei – a new bryophilous ascomycete from the British Isles, with a worldwide key to the genus Bryostroma. Kew Bulletin 75, 60.
Smith AJE. 2004 – The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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