Citation: Pem D et al. (2019) Mycosphere Notes 275-324: A morphotaxonomic revision and typification of obscure Dothideomycetes genera (incertae sedis). Mycosphere 10(1), 1115–1246
Englerodothis Theiss. & Syd., Annls mycol. 13(3/4): 285 (1915)
Biotrophic, pathogenic or saprobic on living and dead leaves of Mayepea gilgiana. Sexual morph: Stroma black, hard, subglobose to hemispherical, hypostromatic, multiloculate, strongly convoluted and forming an elaborate geometrical pattern externally, in diam, the opposite upper surface of the leaf has sunken deeply in the extension of the stromata and has a dirty yellow discoloration, irregular in circumference, roundish, elongated or blister-shaped. Locules numerous and dense, spherical, elongate but merging with stromatal tissue, made up of dark brown angular cells with 1–2 paler inner layers, the apical part, flat and dark brown, splitting at maturity to expose asci and interascal tissue.
Individual stomatal elements, the tissues surrounding the locules made up of brown to dark brown pseudoparenchymatous tissue, lower region of base composed of layers of small hyaline angular cells which tend to replace the cuticular lining of the leaf and penetrate between the distorted epidermal cells. Interascal tissue of cellular pseudoparaphyses, copiously filamentous, with each filament consisting of a chain of hyaline cells, the lower ones being compressed by the growing asci, the upper ones irregular in shape becoming pigmented and surrounded by a copious gelatinous matrix. Asci 8-spored, cylindrical to cylindric-clavate, the apex broadly rounded, the base tapering abruptly to a short stalk, fairly thick-walled at all stages, thickest at the apex, fissitunicate, without an apical ring. Ascospores arranged biseriately, 1-septate, slightly constricted at the septum, the upper cell with a rounded end, the lower one tapering, hyaline when young, pale brown at maturity, smooth-walled. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Type species – Englerodothis kilimandscharica (Henn.) Theiss. & Syd.
Notes – The genus Englerodothis was introduced by Theissen and Sydow (1915) for the type species Englerodothis kilimandscharica. The asexual morph is unknown. Currently, three species are accomodated in this genus. Englerodothis was placed in Parmulariaceae by many authors (Hofmann 2009, Lumbsch & Huhndorf 2010). However, Hyde et al. (2013) excluded the genus Englerodothis from Parmulariaceae as Englerodothis had enclosed ascomata and only one ascomatal wall layer composed of cells of textura angularis (Inácio & Cannon 2008). Cultures and sequences are unavailable. We studied the type specimen of Englerodothis kilimandscharica from S herbarium under the code F203689. Englerodothis kilimandscharica shares similar characters with the genus Coccoidea, such as circular or discoid ascostroma, multi-loculate, dark pigmented, bitunicate asci and 1-septate and light pigmented ascospores. Englerodothis is therefore tentatively placed in the family Coccoideaceae.
Hofmann TA. 2010 – Plant parasitic Asterinaceae and Microthyriaceae from the Neotropics (Panama). PhD Thesis. Frankfurt am Main, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, p 408.
Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Liu JK, Ariyawansa H et al. 2013 – Families of Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 63, 1–313.
Inácio CA, Cannon PF. 2008 – The genera of the Parmulariaceae. CBS Fungal Biodiversity Series, 8, 1−195.
Lumbsch HT, Huhndorf SM. 2010 – Outline of Ascomycota 2009. Myconet 14, 1–64.
Theissen F, Sydow H. 1915 – Die Dothideales. Kritisch-systematische Originaluntersuchungen. Annales Mycologici. 13(3-4), 147–746
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