Dothideomycetes families incertae sedis » Trichothyriaceae


Trichothyrium Speg., Boln Acad. nac. Cienc. Córdoba 11(4): 555 (1889).

Index Fungorum number: IF 5598; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06894, 25 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.

Hyperparasitic on other fungi on the upper surface of host leaves. Mycelium superficial with hyphopodia, forming lobed thalli. Sexual morph: Thyriothecia solitary or gregarious, circular, superficial, membranaceous, brown to dark brown, basal peridium well developed, with a central ostiole; in section lenticular. Upper wall comprising rows of radiating cells which form parallel lines from the central ostiole to the outer rim. Hamathecium of asci arranged from the periphery towards the central ostiole and sparse pseudoparaphyses. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, obclavate, apedicellate. Ascospores obclavate, hyaline, two-celled, smooth-walled. Asexual morph: Unknown (adapted from Wu et al. 2011).

 Type species: Trichothyrium sarciniferum Speg.

Notes: Trichothyrium is characterised by superficial mycelium with hyphopodia, obclavate, apedicellate asci and obclavate, hyaline, two-celled ascospores. Hughes (1953) provided the former name for T. sarciniferum as T. asterophorum which was mentioned by Spegazzini on the herbarium packet. Hughes (1953) provided a detailed explanation of T. asterophorum with two additional species and an account of Trichothyrium with the asexual morph. Müller and Arx (1962) and Arx and Müller (1975) illustrated T. reptans in detail. Eriksson (1981) provided an illustration of T. asterophorum and provided SEM photographs of the thyriothecia. Wu et al. (2011) redescribed Actinopeltis peristomalis and Trichothyriopsis densa which are analogous to Trichothyrium. Wu et al. (2011) could not observe Trichothyrium sarciniferum from LPS but provided an updated description of the genus based on an image available on the herbarium packet namely a circular thyriothecia with a central ostiole, an upper wall of well-arranged parallel cells, superficial hyphae forming lobed thalli, obclavate bitunicate asci, and an Isthmospora asexual morph. Trichothyrium is a distinct genus in Trichothyriaceae but lacks molecular data. Trichothyrium is a confusing genus and has several synonyms hence needs revision. Fresh specimens with DNA sequence data are needed to confirm the taxonomic placement of the genus.


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