Dothideomycetes families incertae sedis » Meliolinaceae


Briania D.R. Reynolds, Pacific Sci. 43(2): 161 (1989).

Index Fungorum number: IF 11017; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06892, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.

Saprobic on host. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Colony olivaceous brown to black. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed. Stroma none. Seta absent. Hyphopodia absent. Conidiophore macronematous branched, straight, septate, composed of olivaceous or brown to black, smooth, thick-walled cells. Conidiogenous cell monophialidic, terminal, determinate, ampuliform, lageniform to subulate, with well-defined collarette. Conidium cuneiform, aggregated in mucusoid heads, endogenous, simple, straight, oblong rounded at apical end with truncate base colorless, smooth, aseptate (adapted from Reynolds 1989).

 Type species: Briania fruticetum D.R. Reynolds

Notes: Briania is characterised by olivaceous brown to black colony, monophialidic, terminal, determinate, ampuliform, lageniform to subulate conidiogenous cells and cuneiform conidia aggregated in mucusoid heads. Briania resembles the dematiaceous genus Phialophora in having phialides with a single basipetal series of conidia formed within a collarette but can be differentiated in the conidial shape (Gams & Holubova-Jechova 1976). Briania also resembles Craspedodidymum but can be distinguished based on the penicillate conidiophore and the color and morphology of the conidia (Reynolds 1989). Briania was reported in association with Meliolina sydowiana and believed to be the asexual morph of M. sydowiana but this sexual-asexual relationship is questionable because of lack of molecular data (Reynolds 1989). Briania is currently a distinct genus in Meliolinaceae but molecular data is needed to confirm this taxonomic placement.


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Mushroom Research Foundation


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