Ascoporia Samuels & A.I. Romero, Bolm Mus. paraense ‘Emílio Goeldi’, sér. bot. 7(2): 264 (1993) [1991].
Index Fungorum number: IF 26458; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07945, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.
Saprobic on decorticated wood in terrestrial habitats. Sexual morph: Ascostromata relatively large, superficial, circular or cupulate, slightly raised, stipitate, solitary, exterior surrounded by brown mycelium, orange to red-brown at the margin or edge, dark brown to black in the centre, cells of ascostromata comprising a maze-like arrangement of mixed, brown-walled cells of textura angularis to subglobosa or epidermoidea, multi-loculate. Locules in a single layer at the periphery of the ascostromata, subcylindric-elongate, obpyriform to ovoid, crowded, opening by small, narrow, vertical ostiole. Hamathecium comprising numerous filiform, branched, septate pseudoparaphyses embedded in a gelatinous matrix. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, narrowly cylindric-clavate, pedicellate, apically rounded with a small ocular chamber, staining pinkish to purplish in 3 % KOH. Ascospores bi-seriate, fusiform, uniseptate, constricted at the septum, hyaline to yellowish when immature, olive-brown to dark brown when mature. Asexual morph: Unknown (adapted from Hyde et al. 2013).
Type species: Ascoporia lateritia Samuels & A.I. Romero
Notes: Ascoporia is characterised by circular or cupulate ascostromata, fissitunicate, narrowly cylindric-clavate asci, and fusiform, uniseptate ascospores. Molecular data is lacking for Ascoporia and it is currently accommodated in its own family Ascoporiaceae. Fresh collections with DNA sequence data are needed to confirm the systematic position of Ascoporia.
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