Kabatina thujae
Kabatina thujae R. Schneid. & Arx, Phytopath. Z. 57: 180 (1966).
Index Fungorum number: IF 332695; Facesoffungi number: FoF 00085, Fig. 1
Description: see Thambugala et al. (2014).
Material examined: see Thambugala et al. (2014).
Fig. 1 Kabatina sp. (re-drawn from Butin and Pehl 1993). a Conidioma on below surface of needle. b Cross section of conidioma. c Conidiogenous cells with conidia. d Conidia. Scale bars: a = 1 cm, b = 40 μm, c, d = 10 μm,
Importance and distribution
Species of Kabatina are parasitic and take nutrients and growth-regulating substances from the plant (Thambugala et al. 2014). There are six Kabatina species in Index fungorum, but one species has been synonymized and transferred to Dothiora as D. mahoniae. Kabatina thujae var. juniperi has been synonymized to Kabatina juniperi. Kabatina comprises four species known on Abies grandis (Pinaceae), Calocedrus decurrens (on foliage (Cupressaceae), Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Cupressaceae), Chamaecyparis nootkatensis var. pendula (Cupressaceae), Juniperus sp. (Cupressaceae), J. virginiana, Mahonia repens (Berberidaceae), Olea europaea (Oleaceae) and Thuja plicata (on foliage.) (Cupressaceae). Kabatina has a wide geographical distribution such as Asia (Japan), Europe (Balearic Islands, Germany, Netherlands), New Zealand, North America (Canada, the United States (Nebraska))
Quarantine significance
Kabatina is of quarantine concern as it is the causal agent of Kabatina blight which results in dieback to death of terminal branch ends of junipers, cypress, and arborvitae in North America and Europe (Thrush et al. 2021).
Butin H, Schneider R. 1976 – Kabatina populi nov. spec. Journal of Phytopathology 85, 3942.
Ramaley AW. 1992 – Tectacervulus mahoniae, Kabatina mahoniae, and Selenophoma mahoniae, three new fungi on Mahonia repens. Mycotaxon 43, 437–452.
Thambugala K, Ariyawansa H, Li Y, Boonmee S et al. 2014 – Dothideales. Fungal diversity 68, 105–158.
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