Rhizosphaera abietis
Rhizosphaera abietis L. Mangin & Har., Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 23(1): 56 (1907).
Index Fungorum number: IF 202278; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11112, Fig. 1
Description: see Kobayashi (1967).
Material considered: see Kobayashi (1967).
Fig. 1 Rhizosphaera abietis (redrawn from Mangin and Hariot 1907). a Vertical section of pycnidia. b Conidia and conidial germination. Scale bars = 50 µm.
Importance and distribution
Rhizosphaera comprises eight species pathogenic on several Pinaceae hosts. Rhizosphaera is reported from several countries such as Asia (Japan), Europe (Russia, Austria, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Norway, Britain, Ireland, Netherland) and North America (Canada).
Hongsanan S, Hyde KD, Phookamsak R, Wanasinghe DN et al. 2020a – Refined families of Dothideomycetes: Dothideomycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae. Mycosphere 11,1553–2107.
Humphries Z, Seifert KA, Hirooka Y, Visagie CM. 2017 – A new family and genus in Dothideales for Aureobasidium-like species isolated from house dust. IMA Fungus 8, 299–315.
Kobayashi T. 1967 – Critical revision on the genera Rhizosphaera Mangin et Hariot and Rhizosphoma Petrak et Sydow, a little-known fungous group associated with needle disease of conifers. Bulletin of the Government Forest Experiment Station Meguro 204, 91–107.
Mangin M, Hariot P. 1907 – Sur le maladie du rouge du sapin pectine dans la foret de la Savine (Jura). Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France 23, 53–56.
Orton CR. 1915 – Structural parallelism between spore-forms in the ascomycetes. Mycologia 7, 21–27.
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