Dothideales » Dothideaceae


Dothiora Fr., Summa veg. Scand. Sectio Post. (Stockholm): 418 (1849).

= Cylindroseptoria Quaedvl., Verkley & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 75: 358 (2013) (Crous and Groenewald 2017).

= Neophaeocryptopus Wanas., Camporesi, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, in Li et al., Fungal Diversity 78 (2016) (Crous et al. 2018; Hongsanan et al. 2020a).

Index Fungorum number: IF 1702; Facesoffungi number: FoF 00078, 51 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 24 species with molecular data.

Saprobic or pathogenic on host. Sexual morph: Ascostromata immersed to erumpent, pulvinate to globose, black, multiloculate; wall of dark brown textura angularis. Locules globose to subglobose, broadly rounded or papillate with central ostiole. Pseudoparaphyses absent. Asci 8- or more spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, oblong to clavate, pedicellate with a small ocular chamber. Ascospores 2-seriate to multiseriate, septate, constricted at the primary median septum, at times with a vertical septum, hyaline, rarely pale brown, obovate to ellipsoidal to fusoid, often inequilateral or slightly curved, smooth, at times with a thin mucoid sheath. Asexual morph: Conidiomata pycnidial, separate, or aggregated in a stroma. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells lining the inner cavity, hyaline, smooth, ampulliform to doliiform, phialidic. Conidia aseptate, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical to ovoid or oblong. Hyphae becoming brown, verruculose and constricted at septa, giving rise to a hormonema-like synasexual morph (adapted from Crous and Groenewald 2017).


Type species: Dothiora pyrenophora (Fr.)


Notes: Dothiora is characterised by immersed to erumpent, pulvinate to globose, black, multiloculate ascostromata, oblong to clavate asci and 2-seriate to multiseriate, obovate to ellipsoidal to fusoid ascospores. The asexual morph is characterised by pycnidial, separate conidiomata, ampulliform to doliiform, phialidic conidiophores, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, subcylindrical to ovoid or oblong conidia. Several taxa in Dothiora produce hormonema-like asexual morphs in culture and some have been linked to dothichiza asexual morphs by cultural studies (Froidevaux 1972; Sivanesan 1984; Crous and Groenewald 2017). Currently, no strains of the type species Dothiora pyrenophora or Dothichiza populea are known from culture. Both the genera Dothiora and Dothichiza require revision as they lack information. Saccardo (1889) and Lindau (1897) considered Dothiora in discomycetes. Theissen and Sydow (1915) placed Dothiora in Dothideales, while Theissen and Sydow (1917) moved Dothiora to Dothioraceae. Several authors agreed with Theissen and Sydow (1917) and considered Dothiora as a distinct genus in Dothideaceae (Arx and Müller 1975; Sivanesan 1984; Barr 1987; Hawksworth et al. 1995; Lumbsch and Huhndorf 2010; Thambugala et al. 2014). Sivanesan (1984) reported the asexual morph of D. pyrenophora as Dothichiza sorbi based on production of pycnidia in cultures. Dothiora resembles several genera in Dothideaceae in having dothiora-like morphology and dothichiza-like asexual morphs but differs in having hyaline, one- to multiseptate or muriform ascospores (Thambugala et al. 2014). In the phylogenetic analysis of Crous and Groenewald (2017), several species of Dothiora with Dothichiza asexual morphs were closely related to Coleonaema and Cylindroseptoria and the authors allocated these species to Dothiora. Crous et al. (2018) and Hongsanan et al. (2020a) treated Neophaeocryptopus as a synonym of Dothiora based on morphology and phylogeny as it grouped within Dothiora in their phylogenetic analysis. Dothiora is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Dothideaceae but fresh collections are needed to designate an epitype for Dothiora pyrenophora and to validate this name. Molecular markers available for Dothiora are ITS, LSU, SSU, BTUB, RPB2 and TEF-1.


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