Neophaeothecoidea proteae
Neophaeothecoidea proteae (Crous) Quaedvl. & Crous, in Quaedvlieg et al., Persoonia 33: 27 (2014).
≡ Phaeothecoidea proteae Crous, Persoonia 20: 71 (2008).
Index Fungorum number: IF 807812; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12632, Fig. 1
Description: see Taylor and Crous (2000); Quaedvlieg et al. (2014).
Material examined: see Taylor and Crous (2000); Quaedvlieg et al. (2014).
Fig. 1 Neophaeothecoidea proteae (CBS 114129, holotype; redrawn from Quaedvlieg et al. 2014). a Appearance of the colony on OA. b hyphae with endoconidia visible. c Conidia. Scale bar: b, c = 10 µm.
Importance and distribution
Neophaeothecoidea comprises only one saprobic species known from leaves of Protea repens (Proteaceae) in Africa (Western Cape Province).
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