Meristemomyces frigidus
Meristemomyces frigidus Isola & Onofri, in Crous et al., Fungal Systematics and Evolution 3: 129 (2019).
Index Fungorum number: IF 829413; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11388, Fig. 1
Description: see Egidi et al. (2014); Crous et al. (2019).
Material examined: see Egidi et al. (2014); Crous et al. (2019).
Fig. 1 Meristemomyces frigidus (CBS 136109 = CCFEE 5508, re-drawn from Fig. 14 in Egidi et al. 2014). a Hypha with septa. b–d Toruloid and chained hyphal organization. Scale bars = 10 µm.
Importance and distribution
Meristemomyces comprises one species isolated from rock in South America (Argentina), Asia (India), while Crous et al. (2016) reported another species M. arctostaphylos on leaves of Arctostaphylos patula in the United States (Utah). Meristemomyces species can form biocoenoses with other tolerant organisms such as phototrophic consortia of aerial algae or cyanobacteria and survive stress conditions (Ametrano et al. 2019).
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