Devriesia Seifert & N.L. Nick., in Seifert et al. Can. J. Bot. 82(7): 919 (2004).
Index Fungorum number: IF 28865; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07006, 7 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 7 species with molecular data.
Saprobic on leaves or heat resistant. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Conidiophores mononematous, pale brown, comprising an unbranched or sparingly branched stipe, with smooth-walled conidia and ramoconidia. Conidiogenous cells pale brown, holoblastic, polyblastic, or sometimes monoblastic, proliferating sympodially, with scars or sometimes denticulate; scars usually conspicuous, thickened, more or less convex, unpigmented. Ramoconidia 0–1(–3)-septate, slightly pigmented, with a cylindrical to fusiform base, and two to four apical branch points, usually on a short denticle, each branch point with a thickened scar. Conidia 0–1(–3)-septate, subhyaline, in dry, acropetal chains, terminal conidia with a single basal thickened scar, intercalary conidia with polar, thickened scars; secession shizolytic. Chlamydospores dematiaceous, clavate, or clover shaped, or multiseptate, darkly pigmented, submerged in the agar substrate (adapted from Seifert et al. 2004).
Type species: Devriesia staurophora (W.B. Kendr.) Seifert & N.L. Nick.
Notes: Devriesia is characterised by mononematous, pale brown conidiophores, pale brown, holoblastic, polyblastic, or sometimes monoblastic conidiogenous cells, 0–1(–3)-septate, slightly pigmented ramoconidia and 0–1(–3)-septate, subhyaline conidia. Egidi et al. (2014) and Crous et al. (2015) transferred several species of Devriesia to other genera as they were not congeneric with the type species, D. staurophora. Devriesia differs from other devriesia-like species in lacking heat resistance ability and absence of chlamydospores (Quaedvlieg et al. 2014). Devriesia also differs from Neodevriesia in that the latter has medium brown and unbranched conidiophores, thick-walled, medium brown, rarely septate conidia and short unbranched conidial chains while Devriesia has mononematous, pale brown, conidiophores and 0–1(–3)-septate, subhyaline, acropetal chains of conidia. Devriesia is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Teratosphaeriaceae. Molecular markers available for Devriesia are ITS, LSU, SSU, BTUB, RPB2 and TEF-1.
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