Capnodiales » Teratosphaeriaceae


Capnobotryella Sugiy., Pleomorphic Fungi: The Diversity and its Taxonomic Implications (Tokyo): 148 (1987).

         Index Fungorum number: IF 11006; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07002, 6 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.

        Saprobic or parasitic on roof tile. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: On the natural substrate, hyphae torulose, irregularly branched, dark to blackish brown, rough- and thick- walled hyphae. Hyphal cells regularly (sub) spherical, occasionally with one or several longitudinal or oblique septa in the older parts of the mycelium. Conidiogenous cell mostly bears a single, reniform conidium, and is otherwise undifferentiated. In culture, colonies, black, punctiform to irregularly moriform. Each cell of primary, creeping torulose hyphae grow with lateral, sub erect branch, which consists of sub spherical cells. Young thalli forms structures in slides, with some secondary side branches when mature. Branches taper considerably towards their apices. Conidia formed by blastic growth in the apical region of torulose hyphae, smooth, relatively thin-walled, reniform, with a median septum (adapted from Titze and Hoog 1990).


Type species: Capnobotryella renispora Sugiy.


Notes: Capnobotryella was found in association with Capnobotrys neesii on Abies veitchii branches in Japan (Sugiyama 1987). Titze and Hoog (1990) re-described C. renispora from a specimen on roof tiles and in culture. Vu et al. (2019) suggested the placement of Capnobotryella in Teratosphaeriaceae. Molecular markers available for C. renispora includes LSU, SSU and ITS.


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