Ramusculicola Thambug. & K.D. Hyde, in Thambugala et al., Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-015-0348-3, [53] (2015).
Index Fungorum number: IF 551264; Facesoffungi number: FoF 00838, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.
Saprobic on dead twigs in terrestrial habitats. Sexual morph: Ascomata solitary or scattered, immersed, papilla usually erumpent, black, subglobose to globose, coriaceous, uniloculate, ostiolate. Ostiole central, rounded, periphysate, with a pore-like opening. Peridium 1-layered, composed of small, dark brown to lightly pigmented cells of textura angularis, fusing at the outside with the host tissues. Hamathecium comprising 1–2 μm wide, numerous, filamentous, aseptate, sparsely anastomosing, cellular pseudoparaphyses, embedded in a gelatinous matrix. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindrical, with a short pedicel, rounded at the apex, with an ocular chamber. Ascospores overlapping bi-seriate, hyaline, fusiform to cylindrical, usually uniseptate, constricted at the septum, surrounded by a thin mucilaginous sheath, filled with small guttules when immature. Asexual morph: Unknown (adapted from Thambugala et al. 2015).
Type species: Ramusculicola thailandica Thambugala & K.D. Hyde
Notes: Ramusculicola is characterised by subglobose to globose, coriaceous ascomata, fissitunicate, cylindrical asci with a short pedicel, and hyaline, fusiform to cylindrical, usuallyuniseptate ascospores. Ramusculicola was synonymized under Teichospora by Jaklitsch et al. (2016b) based on similar hyaline didymospores and phylogenetic analyses. Ramusculicola can be distinguished from Teichospora based on its semi-immersed to erumpent ascomata and hyaline, fusiform to cylindrical, usuallyuniseptate, whereas Teichospora has superficial to erumpent ascomata and ellipsoid to oblong, muriform and dark brown mature ascospores (Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009). Hongsanan et al. (2020a) did not accept the synonymy of Jaklitsch et al. (2016b) and considered Ramusculicola as a separate genus in Teichosporaceae. Ramusculicola is currently a distinct genus in Teichosporaceae but more collections are needed to confirm this taxonomic placement. Molecular data available for Ramusculicola is ITS, LSU, SSU, RPB2 and TEF-1.
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