Aurantiascoma minimum
Aurantiascoma minimum (Mugambi, A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf) Thambug. & K.D. Hyde, in Thambugala et al., Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-015-0348-3, [51] (2015).
≡ Misturatosphaeria minima Mugambi, A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf, in Mugambi & Huhndorf, Stud. Mycol. 64: 114 (2009).
Index Fungorum number: IF 551263; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11738, Fig. 1
Description: see Mugambi and Huhndorf (2009).
Material considered: see Mugambi and Huhndorf (2009).
Fig. 1 Aurantiascoma minimum (GKM169N, re-drawn from Fig. 31 in Mugambi and Huhndorf 2009). a Ascomata. b Asci. c Ascospores. d Pseudo paraphyses. Scale bars: a = 500 μm, b–d = 10 μm.
Importance and distribution
Aurantiascoma comprises only one species known on fallen decorticated branches in Africa (Kenya).
Mugambi GK, Huhndorf SM. 2009 – Molecular phylogenetics of Pleosporales: Melanommataceae and Lophiostomataceae recircumscribed (Plesporomycetidae, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota). Studies in Mycology 64, 103–121.
Thambugala KM, Hyde KD, Tanaka K, Tian Q et al. 2015 – Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Lophiostomataceae, Floricolaceae, and Amorosiaceae fam.nov. Fungal Diversity 74, 199–266.
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