Strigopodia Bat., in Batista, Maia & Vital, Anais Soc. Biol. Pernambuco 15(2): 440 (1957).
Index Fungorum number: IF 5284; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06938, 4 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.
Sooty mould. Sexual morph: Perithecia basally immersed or almost entirely immersed in the subiculum, black, scattered or in groups, subglobose, ostiolate at maturity, bearing numerous unbranched hypha-like appendages, which anastomose and continue growth as ordinary hyphae. Asci fasciculate, broadly ellipsoidal, bitunicate, 8-spored. Ascospores usually irregularly multiseriate, ellipsoidal, sometimes wider above the middle, brown to dark brown, thick-walled but thin-walled at base and apex which are bluntly blowing-out of the lateral wall of a hyphal cell, rounded, transversely 5–7-septate, constricted capnophialophora-like phialides formed at the septa, germinating ascospores, and sometimes longitudinally septate, smooth. Asexual morph: Subicula effuse, dense, up to 2 mm thick, dark olivaceous brown to black, woolly and associated with resinous exudates which infuse the subicula. Mycelium comprising repent and erect, superficial hyphae which are cylindrical, branched (usually at right angles), pale brown to dark olivaceous brown, finely to coarsely roughened, thick-walled, septate, slightly constricted at the septa and showing recurrent anastomoses. Hyphae rarely grow out above the general level of the subiculum to form tapering fascicles. Conidia sessile and develop singly along the hyphae from a collarette, with a wide, open end at maturity. Phialides usually proliferate laterally just below a collarette to form another phialide which also proliferate in this sympodial manner. Sporadically phialides produce a second collarette below the terminal one. Conidia are apparently produced very sparsely; single ones observed within the collarette are hyaline, subspherical (adapted from Hughes 1968).
Type species: Strigopodia piceae Bat.
Notes: Hughes (1968) described S. piceae as S. resinae (Sacc. & Bres.) S. Hughes (syn. Capnodium resinae) in the United States (Maine). In its mycelial state, it was described as Racodium resinae while its phragmoconidial state, was identified as Helminthosporium resinaceum but no cultural work has been done to prove this sexual/asexual connection. Barr (1987a) included Strigopodia in Coccodiniaceae. Lumbsch and Huhndorf (2010) transferred Strigopodia to Euantennariaceae based on its morphology. Sivanesan (1984) mentioned that Antennatula is the asexual morph of Strigopodia. Chomnunti et al. (2014) re-examined a herbarium specimen (BPI 618549) from the United States and referred Strigopodia to Euantennariaceae based on morphological resemblance to Euantennaria. The placement of Strigopodia in Euantennariaceae is however doubtful as no culture and sequence data is available. Fresh collections and DNA sequence data are needed to confirm the systematic position of Strigopodia.
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