Capnodiales » Euantennariaceae


Hormisciomyces Bat. & Nascim., Anais Soc. Biol. Pernambuco 15(2): 349 (1957).

Index Fungorum number: IF 8550; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06935, 3 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), no molecular data available.

Sooty moulds on host. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Conidiophores arise as lateral branches of subicular hyphae or usually as lateral branches of the hyphae which are united into plumose fascicles; variable in length, 1- to multiseptate with the slightly enlarged apical cell bearing a whorl of 6–10, mostly 7–9 presumed phialides which are more or less broadly ellipsoidal and pale brown to brown. Conidia hyaline, subglobose to obovoid, produced in slime within the whorl of phialides. Conidiophores may bear one or two lateral branches each terminating in a whorl of phialides or the apical cell of the conidiophore may proliferate through the whorl of phialides to produce another whorl at a higher level and this process may be repeated (adapted from Hughes 1974).


            Type species: Hormisciomyces prepusus Bat. & Nascim.


Notes: Hormisciomyces is characterised by conidiophores which are 1- to multiseptate with the slightly enlarged apical cell bearing a whorl of 6–10, mostly 7–9 presumed phialides and hyaline, subglobose to obovoid conidia. Hormisciomyces has been reported as the asexual morph of Euantennaria (Hughes 1972, 1974; Sivanesan 1984; Hyde et al. 2013; Wijayawardene et al. 2017). hormisciomyces phialidic morph has been reported in Antennatula fisherae and A. dingleyae (Hughes 1974). Hughes (1976) linked Hormisciomyces with Trichopeltheca but the sexual and asexual relationship has not been confirmed due to lack of molecular data. Hormisciomyces is a distinct genus in Euantennariaceae but more taxa and fresh collections are needed to confirm this taxonomic placement.


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