Verrucocladosporium K. Schub., Aptroot & Crous, in Crous, Braun, Schubert & Groenewald, Stud. Mycol. 58: 41 (2007).
Index Fungorum number: IF 504432; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06971, 3 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 2 species with molecular data.
Lichenicolous. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Mycelium sparingly branched; hyphae septate, not constricted at septa, hyaline, smooth to irregularly rough-walled, sometimes coarsely verrucose, with small to large drop-like, tuberculate warts, walls unthickened. Conidiophores arising laterally from creeping hyphae, erect, straight, sometimes slightly flexuous, narrowly cylindrical to filiform, not geniculate, non nodulose, unbranched, septate, thin-walled, pale brown, smooth to often irregularly rough-walled, verrucose, walls slightly thickened. Conidiogenous cells integrated, mostly terminal, sometimes also intercalary, cylindrical, narrow. Conidiogenesis holoblastic, proliferation sympodial, with a single or up to three conidiogenous loci, often crowded at the apex, sometimes situated on small lateral prolongations, loci truncate, thickened and darkened-refractive. Ramoconidia cylindrical, aseptate, concolorous with conidiophores, thin-walled, irregularly rough walled, verruculose to coarsely verrucose-rugose, apically with up to 4 hila, with a broadly truncate, non-attenuated base, unthickened but somewhat refractive. Conidia catenate, in long unbranched or loosely branched chains, more or less straight, obovoid, ellipsoid, fusiform to subcylindrical, but often appearing to form band-like structures, with swollen and constricted parts, accordion or fir tree-like and often appearing irregular in shape due to ornamentation and outline, 0–1-septate, sometimes constricted at the more or less median septum, pale brown, thin-walled, irregularly rough-walled, verruculose-rugose, somewhat attenuated towards apex and base, hila truncate, barely or slightly thickened, but distinctly darkened-refractive; microcyclic conidiogenesis not reported (adapted from Crous at al. 2007).
Type species: Verrucocladosporium dirinae K. Schub., Aptroot & Crous
Notes: The type specimen of V. dirinae was wrongly deposited as Cladosporium arthoniae M. Christ. & D. Hawksw. Verrucocladosporium is distinct in its verruculose-rugose conidia and conidial and hyphal ornamentation. Verrucocladosporium differs from Cladosporium in having cylindrical-filiform conidiophores which thickened and darkened upon maturity, non-coronate conidiogenous cells and irregular conidia. Verrucocladosporium is a distinct genus in Cladosporiaceae. Phylogenetically, Verrucocladosporium is distinct as a sister taxon to Cladosporium s. str. and belongs to Cladosporiaceae. Molecular markers available for Verrucocladosporium are LSU, SSU and ITS.
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