Limaciniaseta californica
Limaciniaseta californica D.R. Reynolds, Madroño 45(3): 250 (1998).
Index Fungorum number: IF 446390; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11052, Fig. 1
Description: see Reynolds (1998).
Material examined: see Reynolds (1998).
Fig. 1 Limaciniaseta californica (Reynolds 136496, holotype, re-drawn from Fig. 2 in Reynolds 1998). Vertical view of ascocarp with a Two setae spread-out from their origin near the ostiole. b Sterile hairs mark the apical ostiole. c Periphysoids mark the upper portion of the ascal chamber. d Hymenium with two immature asci. e Mature ascus with eight ascospores surrounded by a thin stretched wall. Scale bar = 10 μm.
Importance and distribution
Limaciniaseta comprises only one saprobic species known on leaves and stems of Baccharis pilularis (Asteraceae) in the United States (California).
Reynolds DR. 1998 – Limaciniaseta Gen. Nov. a California Sooty Mold. Madroño 45, 250–254.
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