Botryosphaeriales » Phyllostictaceae » Pseudofusicoccum

Pseudofusicoccum stromaticum

Pseudofusicoccum stromaticum (Mohali, Slippers & M.J. Wingf.) Mohali, Slippers & M.J. Wingf., in Crous, Slippers, Wingfield, Rheeder, Marasas, Phillips, Alves, Burgess, Barber & Groenewald, Stud. Mycol. 55: 249 (2006)

 Fusicoccum stromaticum Mohali, Slippers & M.J. Wingf., Mycol. Res. 110(4): 408 (2006).

            Index Fungorum number: IF 500885; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11896 , Fig. 1

Description: see Phillips et al. (2013).

Material considered: see Phillips et al. (2013).

Fig. 1 Pseudofusicoccum stromaticum (CBS 117448). a, b Pycnidia on pine needles. c, d Conidiogenous cells. e, f Conidia (arrows show mucoid sheath). Scale bar: a = 1 mm, b = 500 µm, cf = 10 µm.

Importance and distribution

Fungal extracts of Pseudofusicoccum can produce phenolic compounds which show antioxidant properties (Chika et al. 2018). Pseudofusicoccum also produce large quantity of lipids (Abba & Eze 2020). Pseudofusicoccum species are of quarantine significance (USDA Post entry Quarantine Manual 2019). Pseudofusicoccum produces an array of compounds such as cyclopeptides, hydroxyphenylacetic acid, lipids, plant-related bioactive rotenoids, protocatechuic acid, tyrosol amongst others (Chika et al. 2018, Abba & Eze 2020, Sobreira et al. 2018). Pseudofusicoccum comprises eight species known from six host plants in Bombacaceae, Calophyllaceae, Fabaceae and Myrtaceae. Pseudofusicoccum is reported from Asia (Thailand), Australia, South Africa (Mpumalanga) and South America (Venezuela).



Abba C, Eze P. 2020 – Fatty acid profile of an oleaginous endophytic Pseudofusicoccum sp. Isolated from Annona muricate. American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products 8, 01–05.

Abba C, Nwachukwu CU, Okoye FB, Eboka CJ, Eze PM, Abonyi DO, Proksch P. 2018 – Phenolic Compounds from Endophytic Pseudofusicoccum sp. Isolated from Annona muricata. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research 2, 332–337.

Crous PW, Slippers B, Wingfeld MJ, Rheeder J, Marasas WFO, Philips AJL, Alves A, Burgess T, Barber P, Groenewald JZ. 2006 – Phylogenetic lineages in the Botryosphaeriaceae.  Studies in Mycology 55, 235–253.

Jami F, Marincowitz S, Slippers B, Wingfeld MJ. 2018 – New Botryosphaeriales on native red milkwood (Mimusops cafra). Australasian Plant Pathology 47, 475–484.

Liu JK, Hyde KD, Jeewon R, Phillips AJ, Maharachchikumbura SS, Ryberg M, Liu ZY, Zhao Q. 2017 – Ranking higher taxa using divergence times: a case study in Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 84, 75–99.

Mehl JWM, Slippers B, Roux J, Wingfeld MJ. 2011 – Botryosphaeriaceae associated with Pterocarpus angolensis (kiaat) in South Africa. Mycologia 103, 534–553.

Minnis AM, Kennedy AH, Grenier DB, Palm ME, Rossman AY. 2012 – Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the Planistromellaceae including its coelomycetous anamorphs: contributions towards a monograph of the genus Kellermania. Persoonia 29, 11–28.

Phillips AJ, Alves A, Abdollahzadeh J, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. 2013 – The Botryosphaeriaceae: genera and species known from culture. Studies in Mycology 76, 51–167. doi: 10.3114/sim0021. PMID: 24302790; PMCID: PMC3825232.

Phillips AJL, Hyde KD, Alves A, Liu JK. 2019 – Families in Botryosphaeriales: a phylogenetic, morphological and evolutionary perspective. Fungal Diversity 94, 1–22. https://

Sobreira A, Pinto F, Florêncio K, Wilke D et al. 2018 – Endophytic fungus Pseudofusicoccum stromaticum produces cyclopeptides and plant-related bioactive rotenoids. The Royal Society of Chemistry 8, 35575–35586.

Trakunyingcharoen T, Lombard L, Groenewald JZ, Cheewangkoon R, To-Anun C, Crous PW. 2015 – Caulicolous Botryosphaeriales from Thailand. Persoonia 34, 87–99.

Unites States Department of Agriculture. Post entry Quarantine Manual. 2019 – Available at:

Yang T, Groenewald JZ, Cheewangkoon R, Jami F, Abdollahzadeh J, Lombard L, Crous PW. 2017– Families, genera, and species of Botryosphaeriales. Fungal Biology 121, 322–346.




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