Labrocarpon Etayo & Pérez-Ort., in Pérez-Ortega & Etayo, Lichenologist 42(3): 271 (2010).
Index Fungorum number: IF 515228; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07620, 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.
Saprobic on host. Sexual morph: Ascomata lirelliform, black, wider and tight in the middle in the lateral form, the lip, the furrow narrowed. Exciple dark brown to carbonaceous, pseudoparenchymatic, continuous and embedded in the base of the host lichen; periphysoid strongly enlarged. Paraphyses branched septate asci widely clavate, bitunicate. Ascospores ellipsoid,uniseptate, slightly constricted, dark brown ripe and smooth. Asexual morph: Unknown (adapted from Pérez-Ortega and Etayo 2010).
Type species: Labrocarpon canariense (D. Hawksw.) Etayo & Pérez-Ortega
Notes: Labrocarpon is characterised by lirelliform, black ascomata, dark brown to carbonaceous exciple, widely clavate and ellipsoid,uniseptate, slightly constricted ascospores. Hawksworth (1982) described and illustrated Labrocarpon canariensis in detail but did not describe the periphysoids. Labrocarpon differs from Melaspilea in having periphysoids covering the inner part of the exciple which is absent in Melaspilea. Labrocarpon also resemble Poeltinula but differs in that the latter genus lacks a periphysoid layer, has asci with an I+ blue apical ring (“tholus”) and halonate ascospores (Pérez-Ortega and Etayo 2010). Labrocarpon is also similar to Odontotrema in having a periphysoid layer covering the upper inner part of exciple but differs in that the apothecia of Odontotrema are not lirellate and have unitunicate asci and hyaline ascospores (Diederich et al. 2002; Pérez-Ortega and Etayo 2010). Labrocarpon is morphologically and phylogenetically a distinct genus in Stictographaceae. Molecular markers available for Labrocarpon include mtSSU and LSU.
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