Acrospermales » Acrospermaceae


Gonatophragmium Deighton, in Cejp & Deighton, Mycol. Pap. 117: 13 (1969).

 Index Fungorum number: IF 8376; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06486, 17 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2022), 1 species with molecular data.

Parasitic on leaf. Sexual morph: Unknown. Asexual morph: Primary mycelium internal. Secondary mycelium external, arising from hyphae of the primary mycelium which emerge through the stomata. Conidiophores arising mostly as branches of the secondary mycelium, well developed, pale brown, thin-walled, smooth, septate, branched, bearing holoblastic, polyblastic conidia on short papilliform projections or pegs which are at first solitary but later usually densely aggregated over swellings; these swellings or nodules often proliferating as short lateral branchlets. Conidia pale brown, thin-walled, more or less smooth, cylindric-clavate, 1-3 or pluriseptate, not catenate (adapted from Cejp and Deighton 1969).


Type species: Gonatophragmium mori (Sawada) Deighton


Notes: Gonatophragmium is characterised by pigmented, branched conidiophores formed as erect to decumbent threads with terminal and intercalary polyblastic conidiogenous cells, which are often swollen around fertile portions with typically several visible conidiogenous loci. Gonatophragmium is taxonomically placed in Acrospermaceae (Hyde et al. 2013; Hongsanan et al. 2020b). Molecular markers available for Gonatophragmium are ITS, LSU, SSU and TEF-1.


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